Audible Review of: The Beloved (The Black Dagger Brotherhood series #22)
Author: J.R. Ward
Narrated By: Jim Frangione
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts


In this story, we have moved forward about thirty years…
Wrath is back, but many things have changed, and not all for the better since he was gone.

It’s their children that have changed mostly. With the death of their king, some did not end up as well as they could have.

We have Nate who doesn’t want the new life he has been given by Lassiter’s mate.

Nalla is tired of everything. She wants Nate, regardless of her daddy’s dislike. But could it cost her both the males she loves more than life?

Something is going on with LW and Bitty is determined to be there for him. But will he let anyone in?

The narrator is as always with these stories Jim Frangione
He brings these stories to life like I am right there listening to each character speak to me.

And the lesser oh my where or what are they doing…

“I got this audiobook from my local library and I am leaving my honest review”