Book: Eternal Legacy: Shadowsend Vampire Clan: 4
Author: L.A. McGinnis
My Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Tammy – Book Nook Nuts

So much happens in this book but oh my gosh so good.

Witches who are something other?
Dark Mage Magnis is not human? or vampire?
What the what is going on…

Rowan has no option but to work with Nikolai even if he doesn’t want to. But he also knows Nik loves Ash as much as he does and he will always protect her.

Magnis has taken many and much… Ash wants to burn the world down but will settle on getting her family all together and safe.

This story is a roller coaster ride on steroids… when it runs out of track… who will be standing?
Gah, my favorite out of the 4 books in this series! Intense, Gripping, and HOT!